Cherwell Earth logo

Cherwell Earth logo
Created by Katie Smith

Thursday 24 November 2011


Hello all Cherwell Earthians!
We didn't have a meeting yesterday, because half of us went to the Eco-Schools Conference at St. Greg's. It was lots of fun, and we picked up lots of good ideas for eco-activities from other schools, especially Chipping Norton who have already achieved green flag status! Personally, I thought their 'green fairy' day was inspired, and we need to do something similar! Magdalen's 'Edge on the Veg' slogan was also intriguing, and their success in eating only locally sourced food is a feat we should admire and try to emulate. :D Possibly an idea we should try and circulate, especially as the catering contract is under discussion at the moment...?
Meanwhile, Switch-Off Fortnight is going swimmingly, and the winning swan poster from last year is on the background of all the computers, which will undoubtedly raise awareness!
See you all next week and remember, if you're not using it, switch it off! (an inspiring slogan, don't you think?)

Thursday 17 November 2011

Welcome Year 12s

Hello to all the new Cherwell Earthlings that joined us yesterday! You are very welcome, and I hope you enjoyed the cake!
Yesterday was our last meeting before Switch Off Fortnight begins, and we continued to plan how to publicise and use the enistic equipment to the greatest effect.
We also prepared to stick up posters everywhere - 2 groups will be collecting the posters tomorrow and placing them on the 2 sites, ready to remind everyone on Monday to turn lights etc. off!
Our assemblies seem to be going well, and the video has made a big impact. At lunch today we are having a meeting for the energy monitors, so hopefully lots will turn up!
BREAKING NEWS! Mr Watts has just suggested we should put our video up on the school website or intranet, which would increase our visibility and remind people about the recycling scheme! I think we should try and organise that quickly to have it up for most of Switch Off Fortnight.
I shall see some of you on Friday for poster distributing, otherwise, see you next Wednesday!