Cherwell Earth logo

Cherwell Earth logo
Created by Katie Smith

Thursday 13 October 2011

Hello all!
Another small meeting this week, but an efficient one nonetheless. The film only needs editing together now, and should be ready for our first assembly next Friday! Mr C will produce a powerpoint to go with it, to help us recruit lots of year 12s!
Next week we do not have a meeting at lunchtime, but instead are meeting after school with the staff who are in the new energy group.
We also arranged to have a stall at the 'One World Week' evening, with Mr C arranging a display, containing pictures of our new recycling bins, and our film playing on a laptop. Three of us will be there presenting it, and mingling with the other stalls, 'networking'.
Furthermore, we've signed up to go to a sustainability conference at St Greg's in November. It's on a Wednesday afternoon, so hopefully none of us will be missing too many lessons!
Feel free to let Mr C know if you weren't at the meeting but would like to go to/help with any of these things.
Finally, we need to start planning our Junk Art competition in detail, so we can get to work quickly after half term and publicise it lots.

Thursday 6 October 2011

The film is looking amazing!

Yesterday, we saw part one of the film, and I think we all agree - it's fabulous! Today, Ellie and I filmed some more recycling, but we couldn't find the Site Manager, so we shall try to do that early next week...
We also thought about Switch Off Fortnight, and a possible art/sculpture competition using recycled things only...
Next week, we will need to sort out assemblies and maybe think about talking to IT teachers who could put the film on the website/intranet page...
Hopefully the film shall be completely finished by half term, and we can then publicise Cherwell Earth to the year 12s, and get them to join in, so they can help us organise Switch Off Fortnight.
See you all next week!