Cherwell Earth logo

Cherwell Earth logo
Created by Katie Smith

Thursday 30 June 2011

We're Back!

Hi everyone!
So, Cherwell Earth is back and full of ideas for both the end of this year and the start of next!
For people who weren't at our meeting, we discussed ideas for a film that we are planning on making, which will teach new year 7s (and anyone else who needs it) how to use our new exciting recycling system.
We also thought about Switch-Off Fortnight and how we can make it even bigger and better this year. Possible thoughts included recording energy used before, during and after, and a 'turn your rubbish into art' competition.
I think we should also plan how to get more new year 12s involved next year, and think further about the involvement of the rest of the school...

Feel free to comment below with any other ideas/things I missed out.
See you all next Wednesday!