Cherwell Earth logo

Cherwell Earth logo
Created by Katie Smith

Thursday 29 September 2011

Technology fails us...:(

Unfortunately technical difficulties prevented us having a meeting last week (so don't worry to all who thought they were going to miss the great showing of the Film - you didn't).
Hopefully it will all be sorted by next week, so come along next Wednesday with your popcorn!
See you there!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Hello all!

So, it is official, we have decided to stick to Wednesday meetings!

Last week was quite quiet, as we discussed possible fundraising ideas, possible tree planting schemes and possible stalls at an environmental groups' link up evening (although it sounds quite exciting when I put it like that!).

I think I speak for us all when I say we are all looking forward with wild excitement in our hearts to next week which is the Big Reveal! Hopefully the film will be finished by then, and we will be able to watch it, then plan assemblies around it. I think our main focus year groups should be year 7 and year 12, but if people want to show it to other year groups, that could be beneficial too.

For people who were unable to attend the meeting, would anyone be interested in helping out on the Thursday evening of half term at our very exciting Cherwell Earth stall? Leave comments below or talk to Mr Cappleman!

I hope you all have happy and eco-friendly weeks!


Monday 12 September 2011

We're back!

Hello everyone!
I hope you have all had lovely summers - recycling lots of course, and just generally helping to save the planet!
Our first meeting is this Wednesday, and we will need to discuss a possible change of day (bring timetables!) and how to get Year 12s involved, as well as The Film...
I hope you can all come, and bring eco-warrior friends along, as well as your lunch!
See you in room 19 on Wednesday!